Follow this guide if you have high cpu or cpu read file:

If you have 8 tuners or more try to separate them.


If you have 4 dvb tbs cards you can better split the Cesbo Astra

ADAPTER 0.0    /  7.0 = CARD 1 = PORT 8000
ADAPTER 8.0   / 15.0 = CARD 2 = PORT 8001
ADAPTER 16.0 / 23.0 = CARD 3 = PORT 8002
ADAPTER 24.0 / 31.0 = CARD 4 = PORT 8003

This method will drop the cpu usage and read file so it will be more stable as running on 1 port.


# astra init 8000
# astra init 8001 astra-8001
# astra init 8002 astra-8002
# astra init 8003 astra-8003

This commands will open 4 ports
so you can add the tuners as mentioned above.

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